Beautification Commission

Beautification Committee

The Beautification Commission advises the City Council about beautification and environmental concerns. They promote and publicize beautification and environmental projects. These projects are acknowledged at the yearly awards program. The Beautification Commission meets on the third Tuesday of each month. The dates are posted on the City of Farmington Hills Calendar. For more information, contact staff Tracey Emmanuel (248-871-2545 or email).

The Beautification Commission meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at Farmington Hills City Hall, located at 31555 W. Eleven Mile Road. Cancellations are posted on the City of Farmington Hills calendar at

Beautification Commission Awards

The City of Farmington Hills Beautification Commission presents annual awards to businesses, offices, and subdivision or condominium entrances with attractive and well-maintained landscapes. Judges visit nominated sites to look for landscape variety, imaginative use of color, and overall property maintenance. If you have questions, please contact the Planning Office at 248-871-2540. For a printable copy of the Beautification Awards nomination form, click here.

Agendas and Minutes
Annual Report