Last week for yard waste pick up is Dec. 9-13, 2024.

Yard waste collection runs through the week of Dec. 9 on residents' regularly scheduled collection day.
Acceptable yard waste includes leaves, grass, shrub clippings, twigs, and plant materials. There are four options for yard waste disposal in the City of Farmington Hills:

  1. In the bag: Break down yard waste and fill brown paper yard waste bags to leave at your curb. You’ll need to roll the bags closed, so be careful not to overstuff them. 
  2. In the can: Place yard waste in a trash can with a yard waste sticker on both sides. Yard waste stickers are available for free at City Hall or the DPW. These containers are limited to 35-gallon size. 
  3. Make a bundle: Brush and small limbs of six inches in diameter or smaller can be tied in bundles no longer than four feet in length and weighing no more than 60 pounds per bundle. Unbundled brush, large limbs and large quantities of dirt or sod will not be picked up. 
  4. Go green: Use a mulching mower to break down leaves and grass clippings to turn yard waste into eco-friendly lawn fertilizer. 

If you have questions, please contact the Division of Public Works at 248-871-2850.