Volunteer Opportunities
Adults 50 and Better Volunteering
Make a difference in the lives of others in our community. There are many opportunities where your skills, talents and time can be put to good use. Please call (248) 473-1830. Volunteer applications are available at the Costick Activities Center or online. Volunteer Form
Gift Shop
- Volunteers needed to work in the gift shop Monday through Friday.
- Donation of jewelry, boutique items and small treasures are accepted year-round.
- Call (248) 473-1826 for more information.
Home Chore
- Volunteers needed to do a variety of minor home repairs in the community.
- Call (248) 473-1830 for more information
Nutrition Program/Meals on Wheels
- Meals on Wheels packers needed daily.
- Meals on Wheels drivers needed daily.
- Call (248) 473-1825 for more information.
Senior Adults Giving to Education (SAGE)
- Volunteer for a community program bringing older adults into elementary classrooms with the children of Farmington Area Public Public Schools.
- Volunteers must commit to one school year (October through June), one day per week, one hour per day.
- Call (248) 473-1822 for more information.
Telephone Reassurance
- Volunteers needed to make calls from home one day per week.
- Call (248) 473-1830 for more information