Rental Inspection

The City of Farmington Hills has adopted and enacted a mandatory Single-Family Rental Dwelling Registration, Safety and Maintenance Inspection Program. This requires registration of any Single-Family rental dwelling within the City of Farmington Hills. The registration and inspection program is intended to ensure that all single-family rental dwellings in Farmington Hills are maintained to minimum standards of fire, health, and life safety.  The program requires these rental prospects to be inspected once every three years.  Inspections focus primarily on exterior conditions, fire safety and egress, structural, electrical, health, insect and rodent infestation, sanitation issues and accumulation of trash.
PDF IconSingle-Family Dwelling Rental Registration Application
PDF IconSingle-Family Dwelling Rental Exterior Maintenance & Inspection Checklist
PDF IconGuide to Single-Family Rental Certification Process
PDF IconSingle Family Rental Ordinance