There are four Zoning Inspectors whose primary duty within the City is to enforce the zoning ordinance and portions of the City Code relating to property such as the blight ordinance. They are:
- Judy Fletcher (248) 871-2524
- Amanda Grenanco (248) 871-2526
Supervisor Zoning Division: Dennis Randt (248) 871-2528
Zoning Inspectors are in the field or involved in duties related to enforcement resulting from field inspections. These inspectors will be available in the office between 8:30 AM and 9:30 AM and between 3:30 PM and 4:30 PM, but you may leave a voice mail message or email them at any time.
To submit a complaint regarding an ordinance or code violation and have an inspector investigate, please contact us during normal business hours at (248) 871-2520.